Redefining Our Rhythms

From the moment you wake up until you fall asleep, you will make 35,000 decisions throughout that day – it’s also estimated that these remotely conscious decisions increase based on your level of responsibility – and to save time and energy, we repeat decisions and form patterns of behavior.

Over time, these habits accumulate to produce the rhythm of your life. Which leads us to the big question…

What is the Rhythm of Your Life?

Have you ever felt like something, or someone, threw off your groove? Although difficult to pinpoint, we all have moments when there’s a pep in our step; or conversely, we feel stuck in a rut.

The decisions and habits that make up our day-to-day lives culminate into a distinct rhythm, or pattern of movement – just like in music. When a rhythm is disrupted, whether it's a shift in work, at home, or at the gym, we may have the urge to react in many different ways.

By having an understanding of what contributes to your rhythm, you’ll be on your way to establishing a rhythm that positively affects your mindset and your emotions.


How Satisfied Are You With Your Rhythms?

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Check out our Routine Success workshop to learn some new tips and tricks to unlock your best routine!


Can We Control Our Life Rhythm?

First, it’s important to understand that there are many factors within our control, such as our values and priorities. At each of the 35,000 decisions we make, we have the ability to weigh our priorities and make choices based on the rhythm we want to achieve.

For example, if you value quality time, you may decide to create a habit around sitting down for dinner with your family or partner each day. If you value health, you may create a gym routine that works with your schedule.

However, there are factors outside our control as well, such as our environment and physical surroundings. This could look like having a commute to work each day with traffic, which could create an environment of stress or worry – not a great start to the morning.

And while some factors are unavoidable, we can control how we respond to them; like habits that help to focus, reduce stress, or wind down. How we define and spend time in these rhythms can contribute to our overall mental and physical wellbeing on a daily basis. With an understanding of life rhythms, we can ask…


How Do We Redefine Our Rhythms?

The first step: recognizing your rhythms.

Explore what rhythms currently exist in your life. Write down any regular, repeated pattern that you live by. Approach this time without judgment, simply coming to observe what is working and what’s not working.

Then, evaluate your rhythms.

How do each of these rhythms make you feel? Ask yourself the question: does this align

with what’s most important to me? Does this rhythm help you work towards a happier, healthier version of your life?

Then, select the right rhythms.

Identify the rhythms you would like to keep, and the ones you would like to redefine. The goal is not to create perfect rhythms, but rather to create rhythms that are intentional and feel good to you.

Finally, redefine your rhythms through action.

Consider how you can alter the rhythms that do not align. Then, take action to implement your new rhythms. This may take conversations with your family, boss, or colleagues to make adjustments to your schedule.

For example: if you have a commute that leads to a pattern of stress, you could try an alternate route, or listen to a light-hearted playlist to focus your mind on something positive.

Be sure to revisit your rhythms regularly.

Just like the seasons, rhythms change as our lives change. When you’re feeling up, jot down what is defining this phase of your life. You may need it in the future!


Time to get on the right track – by regularly reevaluating your habits and making the necessary changes, you’ll have more control over your health and wellness. Want even more ways to redefine your rhythms? Check out our wellness tips at today!


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